Feb 24, 2025Optimize Thread Usage in Vitest for CI/CD EnvironmentsApr 10, 2024hex-to-css-filter: Transforming Hex Colors into CSS FiltersFeb 15, 2024Introducing React Sweet Wizard: Simplifying the Form Flow of Your React AppApr 24, 2023NGX-Feature-Toggle — Flexible User Management and Page Access control for Angular AppsJul 13, 2021Installing Multiple Versions of the Same Package in your project via package aliasesJun 27, 2021Don't overuse Nullish coalescing operator and Optional Chaining in your projectMay 11, 2021Sanitizing sensitive data from your logs with PinoJS and Pino-SanitizeMay 03, 2021Automating launchdarkly feature flags cleanup in your codebaseApr 22, 2021Validating dependencies in your project with depcheck packageApr 19, 2021Building your TinyMCE theme in React with Material-UIApr 01, 2021Decreasing bundle size by adding Package Conditional Entry Points in NPM PackagesMar 29, 2021Cross-platform performance measurements with User Timing API and perf-marksMar 20, 2021Easy and reusable Media Query Breakpoints for your CSS-In-JS componentsMar 17, 2021Linting Web Accessibility issues in your HTML using just CSS!Jul 19, 2020NGX-Skeleton-Loader — States, Animations, Performance, and Accessibility for your Angular AppJul 06, 2020Dark Side Is In Our Blood — Dark mode in your pages using CSS FiltersFeb 07, 2020Avoiding Uncaught and unexpected — ESLint checks for missing polyfills in your web appsJan 19, 2020Solving a problem is more than just adding a new dependencySep 15, 2019Practical Chrome Devtools — PerformanceSep 02, 2019Practical Chrome Devtools — Common commands & DebuggingDec 03, 2018Feedback is a gift, let’s talk about it!Aug 15, 2018Publishing Angular Module with NP packageApr 09, 2018Angular and open source: automation improvements in your project using Circle CIMar 31, 2018JSConf.Asia 2018: MicroFrontend, best practices and more!Nov 20, 2017DevFest Siberia: Frontend improvements, Angular and snow!Jul 30, 2017Using Typescript in a NodeJS moduleFeb 13, 2017Um ano na Austrália e aprendizadosNov 07, 2016Pandora box and how creating an Ice breaker helped me as consultantAug 15, 2016Why track loop is important in your angular appsJun 27, 2016Unit test in Johnny-Five nodebot appsMay 15, 2016Checking your build in SNAP-CI via Nodebots using NodeJS and ArduinoDec 14, 2014AngularJS: About $filterOct 28, 2014Creating a single CRUD in a single AngularJS ControllerSep 23, 2014Working with Thin Directives in AngularJS